Busaino Fruit Producer, Jinja, Uganda, Africa

Education Services


Farm Education Tours

Welcome guests who come to learn from practice: Schools, organizations, groups and individuals. We shall organize farm education tours and question and answer sessions. So far in Jinja and Bugiri, there are over 50 schools that can benefit from this facility. We shall communicate to the potential learners by writing to them to inform them of what is available. In March of 2013 we received 140 students from Wanyange girls.

Half Day Events These are full farm tours with a focus on educational talks and some hands on opportunities.

Full Day Events Full farm tour with more hands on opportunities and sampling of farm fresh foods. Children will participate in learning about, harvesting and sampling some of their own lunch.


Get real experience. Learn by doing. Come and volunteer on one of our farms.

Volunteers & WWOOFers: Volunteer your time and expertise, or just come to learn. We offer room and board at either of our locations in exchange for 5 hours of work per day, Monday to Friday. Please apply in advance as space can be limited.


Agriculture Courses

From 2014, we shall conduct short courses on introduction to permaculture and fruit farming with practical hands on experiences derived on the farm. We offer advisory services in fruit farming, disease control, seedlings selection among others. We received the two proprietors of Kenya Permaculture Institute who were on fact finding tour.

Permaculture: Permaculture is a broader term, but we focus it down to sustainable agriculture, looking at various farm systems and how those systems can best work together to produce overall efficiencies. These courses are typically multi-day events and may include all components, of all courses below, plus water harvesting, site planning, environmental assessments and more.

Fruit Farming: Planting, propagating, seed harvesting, scions & grafting, tree maintenance, feeding, fruit harvesting and sales.

Livestock Rearing: Periodically we hold courses on livestock rearing. The current focus is on goats, sheep and chickens, but much of the information is useful to any kind of livestock.

Bee Keeping: We periodically offer courses on hive construction, hive locating, bee capture and propagations as well as honey harvesting and sales.

Custom Courses: Help us to design a course that fit your group's specific needs.

Find Fruit House

A country drive lands you at the Fruit House.


Some comments from our clients.

Michael Nickels

I brought a group of permaculture students to stay and study at the Fruit House. They loved it so much that I will bring a new group of students next year.

Kevin Wilson

I stayed for over a week at the Fruit House and a few months at the Chalet because it was closer to Jinja's night life. As part of the volunteer program it was a great way for me to explore the Jinja area affordably, learn about agriculture and feel great about helping out.

Locate the Chalet

A quick drive finds you at the chalet.


DESIGNED & BUILT BY - Lotus Yogi - Kevin Wilson